Few thoughts, part 1

1) coding in python is fast.
My main fear before the start was to not have enough time to deliver something sufficiently complete. I've heavily brainstormed the different themes when I've got the list to be sure to be able to start coding as soon as possible. And I've started Sunday morning. I had something appropriate on Monday (I was expecting to have it more about mid-week).

2) design: I like it, but I hope it will not be considered as cheap.
My idea was to work on a correct design since the start. I personally observe that I enjoy more a game that looks visually attractive, and I did not wanted to degrade the experience due to unattractive graphics. I am personally pretty pleased with my game's graphics: I like the abstract vibe, and some aspects are more fitting (Squares are better for left-right-up-down motion mechanics and I like it more than a rotating system that I have tried before). I'm just worried that people will judge it cheap, because it's easy to code (the squares are just squares). But I still think the game is prettier and has more character with those squares than with space-ship drawings.

3) guilt feeling about my work productivity.
Yeah, I have to say: I think my work productivity (you know, the "real life work") has slightly suffered from pyweek. I tend to do small pauses to quickly implement a small idea (or to write a diary entry on my lunch pause). Well, it's not so bad, I had worse productivity during some weeks with particularly low motivation. But still. Or maybe I'm too harsh on myself.