
So, "You can't let him in here." I am so not happy to see this one come up, but I'll work with it.

So top level ideas: you're limiting a specific person or thing or class of things from entry. Either something about the player or a companion doesn't allow you into a place, or you're tasked with keeping others out.

I've got a couple of first pass ideas on how to take this:

I could make a political statement: I could figure out mechanics that help model the emotional resonance of being a trans woman in a world where "bathroom bills" are becoming daily news. This would be a game more about identity than game place, and I'd be limited to a short prototype rather than a functioning game. Set up mechanics that let the player choose the identity they'll be playing, then slowly clamp down on their expectations.

The second idea is kind of like the other, except someone you keep with you limits what areas you're allowed in. This could be a tiny action game? Maybe use a symbiosis mechanic.

Last idea is building a reverse stealth game with something similar to tower defense mechanics. A lot harder in 2D, but possible. Makes vision management fun, though.

I'll start drawing things up and make a decision by the end of the night.