Fydo's Warm-up Entry: Pillows

Hello! Here is my obviously late entry for the pyweek warm-up. I had such a hectic week at work, I only had about 2 or 3 evenings to work on my entry.

I was planning on making a high-score screen, but I figured my entry was late enough as it is.

Download: fydo-pillows.zip

Enjoy! (and tell me if you run into any bugs)

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Oh, and of course, a win32 build:

Download: fydo-pillows-win32.zip
Heh. I made it to level 6 :)

Aside: Please, please, please (and I know this doesn't really apply to you, fydo :) have your games unpack into a new directory! Use the Skellington!

Nice game fydo! I didn't play it long, not because they game isn't fun, but rather because I didn't got the time. I will play it again and see how far I can get! (oh, and btw: I didn't have any problems playing the game until I did something strange, can't remember what, and the cannon suddenly disappeared and the angle became fixed)
I got an exception when clicking the PLAY button:

$ python MAIN.py 
fydo's pillows v0.1 - http://www.fydo.net
psyco not found! don't worry, this game doesn't really need it.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "MAIN.py", line 106, in ?
    main(opts.fullscreen, opts.nosound)
  File "MAIN.py", line 86, in main
  File "/tmp/pillows/potatoes.py", line 245, in Go
    if (pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0) and (self.useJoystick == True):
AttributeError: Game instance has no attribute 'useJoystick'

I got it to work by replacing (self.useJoystick == True) with False. Nice game, but I wish there was a way to speed up time when waiting for a nuke to drop.. Also, pressing a key to get to the next level also makes you throw a pillow.

Hm, I was playing while writing this, and now the cannon suddenly disappeared.
Hey guys, thanks for the bug reports :)
I've fixed a couple of issues, but I haven't done a release yet.

- I had originally planned on having joystick support, so that bit of the code was untested. You'll notice it works if you unplug your joystick :) This has been fixed now
- I've fixed the disappearing catapult issue, it seemed to happen if you launched a pillow right before a level ended.

Also, you don't need to push anything to get to the next level, it's about a 2-3 second delay. Perhaps a countdown or something similar would better illustrate this ...
Anyways, thanks again!