Day 3

I have the game fully playable now with all the rules implemented. All the graphics are still placeholder and I haven't done any tuning yet on the card values or the overall user interface.

The major task in implementing the game so far was getting a statefull representation of the game so that you can easily see the flow of game (dealing cards, playing cards, AI's actions, scoring etc). I implemented this using generator functions. Each generator contains the logic for a certain game state (28 in all). Within the generator the process of the state is tracked. This allows quite fine grained control over the timing of on-screen events. Without this the player will be totally lost trying to work out what is going on.

In its playable form I can see the different mechanics coming into play quite nicely. In particular the player has to balance going for an easy kill (hit) versus avoiding detection by the police. It isn't fun yet but I can see how it could be if I can get the tuning and polish to where they need to be.

I'm still a bit ahead of schedule but I think I have probably underestimated the time taken for graphics and polish!