End of Day 3

So only a bit more progress from earlier.
Fixed a bug with GIFImage where it was handling some GIFs poorly and causing them to be all stacked and yucky - probably due to being additive gifs.
Got an updated Zombie - though it still needs work.
Fixed the day/night cycle to be nice and smooth.
Added Map Labels and Icons, you can see the HPBarIcon.

I am happy with how easy it was to add the icons (basically exact same code for zombies and survivalist) - but not so happy with how closely I have "stacked" my logical objects on top of the map entities representing them, seems like I am asking for trouble, but short on time so no fixing for now.
Finally, we have the start to our map spawning, with just the house, some trees and some initial zombies around.

Still left to do are adding a lot more buildings, characters and zombie types, and getting the generation all correct on those. Once that is in getting inventory/skills in, along with interacting with objects, to round out the core features.
Lastly will be adding actual combat and the zombie logic, which will likely be the last two days, we'll see.