Early Technical Difficulties

As I begin to make the base engine for Pacewar, I am reminded of why the SGE is still considered a beta release as I discover a few bugs that either crash the game or wreck basic behavior. I patch the copy of the SGE used for Pacewar, then send the same fixes to the SGE Git repo to be included in a release later.

At the same time, I am reminded of the reason I made the SGE in the first place. Despite the hiccups, I now have the basic engine for Pacewar basically completed. Flight controls are working perfectly (though I'll probably adjust the the speed constants in the future), and all that's left in that area is guns, and adding the AI to control non-player ships.

I opted to make the arena an enclosed space. This decision was made for two reasons: one, because it makes it more like a room; and two, because it'll be a lot easier to do the parallax scrolling effect I want to do if I don't have to deal with screen wrapping.