What will I use.
I will probably use:- for programming
- Python of course
- Pygame
- tiledtmxloader, https://code.google.com/p/pytmxloader/
- my base, https://github.com/Knowlege/Base
- maybe gjapi for non-official version, https://github.com/vncastanheira/gjapi_python
- for drawing:
- Windows XP Paint
- Office PowerPoint
- and maybe Gimp
- Other:
- Ninja as IDE
- Tiled for level editing
- Sfxr for sound generating
- Fake music generator, http://www.fakemusicgenerator.com/
- cx_freeze for compiling
- Windows Notepad for ideas
- cmd for some things
- And My brain for many things
If anything from list isn't allowed in PyWeek just say and I won't use it
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- pypy 2.4
- My own pysdl2-cffi : all of sdl, ttf, image, mixer. It's becoming increasingly awesome with each revision.
- gillcup - the only non-graphics-library-specific Python animation library I could find; are there others?
- opengameart.org for sprites, depending on the theme
- british library flickr for public domain images from books, depending on the theme
- LiClipse / PyDev IDE
- pixelmator (photoshop substitute)
- audacity audio editor
- threading
- gvim
- coffee