Out Of Touch With The World
Hoping for 12 Monkeys or The Fifth Element as I'm not sure what the other 3 possibilities are :p(log in to comment)
Any idea where the "12 Monkeys" comes from, though?
permianlizard no, that's not what the film's about, but feel free to use that as inspiration if you like!
"Army of the Twelve Monkeys" is supposed to be a terrorist group IIRC; anyway the movie includes time travel; I love it! :)
Ah well, maybe I'll recognise the themes yet (:
substantially reproduce the work in question. That is, copy its imagery and other aspects of its content precisely.
You can't copyright film titles, but you can trademark them, so don't try to sell a game using a trademarked film title.
I am not a laywer, but as I understand it copyright infringement would require you to You can't copyright film titles, but you can trademark them, so don't try to sell a game using a trademarked film title.
adverse action.
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Castle in the sky is a classic anime film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092067/ - one association that may be interesting for game ideas is that it sparked a twitter phenomenon which is responsible for the highest spike in traffic they've ever had http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Hayao-Miyazaki-Castle-Sky-Helps-Break-Record-Most-Tweets-Single-Second-39091.html
The Guild is the only one I haven't seen, but its a web series about gaming: http://www.watchtheguild.com/
A guild generally means an association of workers within a trade: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild
I think being familiar with the theme actually makes it harder, because each one already has a meaning and it's hard to ignore that when trying to think of new ideas and interpretations.