Acroamatic Dreamer - [Final Build]
Download Final Build
- Press any key to begin (the splash screen is black)
- Right arrow, Left arrow - move
- Z - jump
- F - toggle fullscreen mode
- R - 'Reset' go back to splash
Implemented Features:
- Two simultaneously controllable characters.
- Proper 2D platformer physics.
- Smooth camera tracking.
- Tilemap loading and collision.
- Pick-ups
- Dynamically shifting sub scene regions.
Original Post
Day One Wrap-up:
- Super rough title/menu scene.
- Main game scene with two independent sub scenes.
- Main characters rough art (complete with wobbly heads).
- Main characters have a controller component that reacts to key input.
Day Two Roadmap:
- Block out a "grey box" tilemap.
- Implement basic platformer physics.
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- Platformer physics implemented and tweaked enough to make me happy.
- Cameras and players are constrained to the play area.
Day Four Roadmap:
- Game entities(one enemy, and a coin).
- Make the sub scenes dynamically scalable.
- Coins implemented.
- The subscenes dynamically scale upon coin pickup.
Day Five Roadmap:
- Implement an enemy.
- Design cut scene transitions.
- Enemy behavior mostly complete.
- Enemy, coin, and player placement loaded from tilemap.
- Upped screen size/zoomed out cameras a bit.
- Added proper tiles + other graphical tweaks.
Joshua on 2013/04/16 16:44:
Day Two Wrap-up: