Rolling with the punches.

So a lot has happened to the project over the last few days, but progress is still being made.

The original concept was to have a small squirrel, running through the forest jumping from platform to platform. The design was a kind of platforming "runner", where the character would constantly run right, and the only control you have over the character is making it jump (this is what is used to meet the "One Way Trip" theme requirement).

The system is still pretty much the same, but I had to scrap the whole squirrel in forest thing. I'm by no means an artist, and coming up with a forest background proved to be beyond my skill. I am instead doing a city landscape, which meant changing the main character from a squirrel to something else. For the moment, I'm going with a ninja - because who doesn't love ninjas :)

I'm considering adding other actions (throwing stars), but will wait until the primary systems are in place, and working as I would like them to. Current Progress
Here's a screen of my current progress. It's depicting the level running, with the platforms moving from right to left. The platforms are created procedurally, at a random width (specified in a range), at a random y-location (specified in a range).

There's some dirty collision in place, but it's definitely not what I want in the final product. I will do some fine tuning so that the character needs to hit the platform on the top to be safe, and not just intersect it at any location. 

I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but I still feel like I'm on track to finish by the end of the competition. 

The cold I mentioned in the last post gave me the day off work, so I have some extra time to boot :)