I didn't really get much accomplished yet. It's hard to find the time to really get productive. Here is a little test of the tiles I have right now (click for full size):
I suppose I might as well give a little explanation of the idea behind the game. You play as a scientist and his lab assistants (clicking with the mouse to select who to control.) The scientist doesn't want to risk his life drinking strange chemicals so he has his lab assistants drink them and transform into monsters with various abilities.
It's sort of a puzzle platformer where the player needs to figure out which chemicals should be used with which lab assistant to perform the necessary actions in the right order -- opening a path for the scientist to get to an escape rocket and blast off.
In normal human form all the characters can do is climb ladders, low jumps, swim, fall short distances, pick up chemicals, and throw the chemicals.
Some of the monster powers I was thinking of is strength (being able to pick up heavy objects and break some wall types), electricity (traveling through wires and turning on devices), water (traveling through pipes and filling pools with water), and I'm not entirely certain what else (maybe high jump, climbing on walls, or walking on lava?)
If I have the time (which I'm seriously doubting) I would like to experiment with having a way to create, upload, download, and rate user generated levels.
Honestly, though, I will need to kick it into high gear to make this. It's really hard to find a good chunk of uninterrupted time to really start being productive.
Cool. I like your tiles. I'm doing a platformer too, but at this stage I'm struggling to think of a "game" idea to drive the action. I'll probably go with something simple just to get the game finished.
I suppose I might as well give a little explanation of the idea behind the game. You play as a scientist and his lab assistants (clicking with the mouse to select who to control.) The scientist doesn't want to risk his life drinking strange chemicals so he has his lab assistants drink them and transform into monsters with various abilities.
It's sort of a puzzle platformer where the player needs to figure out which chemicals should be used with which lab assistant to perform the necessary actions in the right order -- opening a path for the scientist to get to an escape rocket and blast off.
In normal human form all the characters can do is climb ladders, low jumps, swim, fall short distances, pick up chemicals, and throw the chemicals.
Some of the monster powers I was thinking of is strength (being able to pick up heavy objects and break some wall types), electricity (traveling through wires and turning on devices), water (traveling through pipes and filling pools with water), and I'm not entirely certain what else (maybe high jump, climbing on walls, or walking on lava?)
If I have the time (which I'm seriously doubting) I would like to experiment with having a way to create, upload, download, and rate user generated levels.
Honestly, though, I will need to kick it into high gear to make this. It's really hard to find a good chunk of uninterrupted time to really start being productive.