Ethical Differences - Day 3
More foundations laid, nothing much to show. Power flow is in place, and I can copy the same methods to propagate damage. Did a bit of refactoring as well - for ease of implementation generators are now internally treated as a type of Base placed in "Slot Omega", which would make it pretty easy to add a type of component that attaches to them, perhaps repairing damage or boosting power output. That can wait, however.Also switched gears a bit in the afternoon and did some prep work for music. I was lacking a good set of samples, now I'm not.
No real sense in posting a screenshot, I suppose. I think on the whole I'm going to lower my goal for this challenge from "produce something impressive" to "produce something playable." Lingering doubts about whether this idea will prove fun enough that it's worth putting a great deal of effort into seem to be sapping my motivation, so best not to work too hard, and satisfy the perfectionist in me with the option that if this prototype is adequately entertaining I can create an improved version once PyWeek is over.
"Playable" doesn't preclude the possibility of the interface remaining text-based, but I'll try to put together a rudimentary GUI. Will need to use PyGame for the music anyway.
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