Dr. Chemical's Lab - End of Day 3
Day 3:- tweaked physics
- went from 24x24 blocks to 32x32
- recruited squish for art:
- aiming line pointing from gun to crosshair which auto targets atoms
- fleshed out the game mechanics in my mind a bit more. You'll have a progress bar for each color which increases with the number of atoms of each color you have contained in your tray. your goal is to get to a certain amount before your opponent. If you have too much of a certain color, you can choose to spend some of it to get a weapon or defense powerup. You'll have to balance attacking and defending with trying to get your atom counts up high.
- lines of code: 402
- repo: https://github.com/superjoe30/dr-chemicals-lab/
- Sneak Preview on YouTube
I didn't get my goals from yesterday done, but I feel good about the progress squish and I made today.
Day 4 Goals:
- Ability to shoot stuff! C'mon, jeez!!
- Bonding mechanics for atoms