No chainsaw was given today!

Oh dear Science! It has already started!

We are glad that our first idea to make game about punguins, robots, candies, narwhals (and so on) perfectly fits the "Mad Science" theme.

Now when we have theme and some concepts we arranged first dev meeting. And we are totally tripping balls right niah.

What's the concept?

We are thinking about NMMOAAGDSRPFSG (not-massive-multiplayer-online-at-all-genetic-driven-submerse-role-playing-fighting-shooter-game).

No Kurwa was given so far.

We are proud of our first award. We hope it won't be the last.

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How is NMMOAAGDSRPFSG pronounced? Is it like a chainsaw revving up?
@Digitalis: Quite close. When i try to pronouce it's more like a chainsaw unsuccessfully starting up.