Yellow and Dangerous
I wish I didn't have to work this week. Only scribbled some concept art so far but already love my game, so I do hope I can get something done.The idea is rather simple. You're a mad scientist in your mad science lab and build a mad device for which you need mad ingredients and parts. Which are scattered across the lab. There's also your helper a mad yellow elephant which may be real or just your imagination but who is needed to solve most of the puzzles.
Anyway, so far I have an empty .py file importing Allegro 5. The TODO list is:
- create placeholder isometric block (sunday)
- write isometric engine (sunday and evenings monday through friday))
- create first room (friday)
- create more rooms and items (saturday)
- replace placeholder block with better art (saturday)
- add simple two-step animation for scientist and elephant (saturday)
- (if time left) add title menu, finish up all rooms, add sounds, add music
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