Day 1 progress and thoughts

I started off sketching ideas for about 30 minutes and tried to organize what objects I'd have and how everything would map out on screen.

The storyline is you are a mad scientist who's Frankenstein experiments have backfired. Now you have to combine ingredients to throw at your creations to defend yourself and your lab.

Random ingredients will pop up on the lab table above (in front of) your character. The effect of the ingredients depends on what you pick up. You can adjust the range that you throw them.

I spent about an hour playing around with py2exe, pygame2exe, and the skellington-2.3 package. I probably should have spent more time messing with those things before the competition started. Had other more interesting projects on my plate though.

I am using a lot of the code from the example games that shipped with pygame as a base for building from. I wouldn't have been able to get as far with the sprites as I've gotten if I had just been reading the pygame docs.

I copied the sprite layout from the aliens game from the pygame examples.

Spent a couple hours trying to figure out why my background sprites were getting drawn over my foreground sprites on occasion.

What you see below is a 7x7 grid of sprites. The ingredient affects will apply to those sprites and affect any zombies that are colliding with that grid sprite.


Ok that's enough back to coding.