Resources that discuss the concepts/structure more than code/cookbook?

I just started learning python/pygame a couple of weeks ago and I've noticed that before I finish a project, I learn a structure concept that will end up being so valuable to enlarging and scaling my project that I have to scrap basically everything that I had so far.

I can find lots of code example tutorials (i.e. "How to collision detect" or "Tilemapping with TMX"). But I haven't found much in the way of how to structure your classes, event handling, what should be abstracted and things to consider when figuring out how, etc...

For example, I had almost finished one of my first games and I wanted to add save functionality. I realized that the way I wrote my code made it difficult and I would be better of restructuring.

It seems like with a good foundation, you won't have to re-write as much.

So far I've only found one resource that really stands out from the others in this regard:
It starts off by creating a simple game where a 'little man' moves around a 3x3 grid. A trivial project. But instead of just going through the 50-100 lines of code to get the job done, it starts building a foundation on MVC/Mediator/Observer.

I think more tutorials like this would be a big shove in the right direction for me (and hopefully others)

If anyone has any others, please share.


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Woah. That seems like too much work to go to to make a little man run around 9 squares, but...

I like the idea though.
My last game used a simplified MVC pattern because it became very complicated in the event loops. I had a controller which did the events and looping. A resource object which handled drawing to the screen and a level object which contained the logic of the game.

I'm quite interested in developing this further so thanks for the link.