PyWeek 14 is coming - May 6-13! (not April)

Note: amended dates!

Hi everyone. I've finally settled on dates for the next challenge: May the 6th to 13th. Plenty of time to warm up the old libraries, organise teams and get in some practise runs :-)


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It looks like that overlaps with the Ludum Dare weekend...
Why the change from 6-13 May as you originally suggested? Apart from clashes with LD, the later date would have let those of us in the UK take advantage of the May Day bank holiday ...
Bugger, I forgot about LD48. Damned if I do, damned if I don't :-(

Let me ponder this for a while...
Right, corrected announcement sent out. Website modified. Confusion turned up to 11.
Finishes two days before my GCSEs, so I guess you can count me out :(
Looks like we are already able to register to the competition, one week early!