Day 6 is menus and enemies day
Hi fellow PyWeek-ers!23 hours and 47 minutes to go now! We're almost there \o/
We are a little late on our planning as we wanted to have only level design and tests to do for the last day but we still have some things to fix in the code. But we should be good if we sleep "not more than 5 hours" as said elghinn :D
A new power was added today when Stan is Air Stan: twisters! With this, Stan can get rid of obstacles and his enemies like this psycho rabbit:

Isn't he scary? Imagine what he could do to Stan if he hadn't the chance to find Mutation gems on his road to the trash can!
And so you can see with this screenshot most of the work done today by Cha and elghinn.
Cha did mostly all the menus and buttons for the game. Even a few help pages to explain how the game is played. This clearly is better than the black backgrounds and pyglet Labels we had before today as menus.
Elghinn created all these menus in the code thanks to his sweet State system which allows us to stack them as we want.
He also took care of the enemies and obstacles loading and drawing. So now we really have all our data structure to handle everything in the game.
I began my day creating a simple HUD for the score and the lives in order to have information about Stan's state.
Then I handled the obstacles and enemies during the game: collisions and their effect, moves for the enemies and other things. This included again some collision development.
The collision system became really more complete now. Even when Stan is at several Tiles intersection, so at several collision map intersection. This allows the player to walk in the levels without any problem.
And I think that would be all for today.
See you for the last post tomorrow when we will upload the game. We hope you will have fun playing it.
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