I seriously haven't really done anything in python in about 2 years, I'm kind of rusty and am finding that I don't really like python as much as I used too. It's fun and fast to program in (sometimes), but my code ends up mangled in classes and inheritance. So I try to write it as if it were C (with classes of course), and am getting better results, but python is using quite a bit of CPU (and ram) and I probably don't know enough about it to optimize. Python has a cute syntax, but boy does it seem like the C++ of dynamic scripting languages sometimes. Python is just too powerful for my small mind to grasp :'(. But the parts I do grasp are awesome!Ok, pity party over, time to do some serious coding.
What I wrote is probably incoherent, don't consider it a flame or anything, it's just my thoughts on python while coding this week. I'm almost certain I have bad style and need to brush up on the "pythonic" way.
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Second: Performance, I think even on current pc's python is much to slow for serious 3d games without moving many parts, like collision, culling, vertex or pixel based operations, render dispatching, physics, skinning, animation and even Particles to native code.
Still fun to work with and for tools, small to medium sized games and prototyping definitely worth a try.
- First time python use
"Still fun to work with and for tools, small to medium sized games and prototyping definitely worth a try."
@Archy: Yeah, I used to hate it, but now I really appreciate type safety.
@dotteri: Wait, so I can write my own modules in C and glue it together with python for pyweek? All my code doesn't have to be python? Oh wait, then everybody has to compile my C code :P.
@Python Jedi: And my animations are all code generated, at the moment I have no images because there would be too many pictures.
I haven't used c, c++ that much but whenever i have gone to use that style of language i have found it way more difficult due to being stuck in the mindset of doing things the python way, that said all of my code for this competition is horribly mangled, but thats just due to rushing most of it.