Third day: impossible
I can't get any graphics that look like decent enough. I'm trying to adapt some CC-BY sprites, but still... I'm pretty demotivated right now.I've been programming a menu, a help screen and the general screen flow (menu -> play -> menu -> quit; etc).

I'm using sprite fonts, generating them from TTF with something like this and then using some Gimp to prettify them (kind of).
I'm loading the keyboard configuration from a JSON file, so it's possible to change the controls.
But anyway, this is useless because there's no game at the moment. I'll keep working with the character sprites, and then I'll decide if I keep going on...
Update: uh, eh, something...

Some important bits missing, but... enough for the third day!
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It's like mapping a XML into a dict, but without the XML hassle ;)