End of day 2: more design, less code
Well, I finished up what the game design is going to be. The theme of the game is alien kids rescue, with only a non-lethal mutator tool.Choices for the type of game could be 3D, isometric, top-down, platform, or side-scroller. Since this is my first PyWeek, and I still have a day job, 3D and isometric are out.
With the theme being mutating things to help you accomplish your goal of rescuing alien kids, top-down seems a little limiting, and side-scroller also a little too ambitious for my first effort. So I'm going to make a platformer.
The gameplay will be level-based, each a new location where kids have been scattered that you have to retrieve. Each level will present a puzzle where you have to mutate people chasing you into useful items to help you get to all the babies. You will also have a limited amount of energy and will have to collect energy pods that were also scattered in the spaceship school-bus crash.
As for coding, not so much. I should have spent a little more time with PyGame prior to the contest, but didn't make time. So I reviewed some of the tutorials, and have the game window working. I'm using GIMP to create the level design, each pixel color represents an item/tile, and created the converter to convert into a binary file for quick load.
My goal tomorrow is to have the level showing up, have graphics for the tiles I've identiied so far, and have the ability to move the player. I need to start coding a little more to have a chance at a playable game at the end of the week.