They've always been faster...

You all simply amaze me, expecting to have a playable engine by tomorrow, I just have tons of text and empty classes, not to mention a rather complicated web of various objects, the essentials for creating the engine highlighted.  I managed to find a tutorial on making a ragdoll system, will use that and the gfxdraw library in pygame to do all of my animation frames for me, just need to define various positions and how to interpolate between them...  bug advantage of how I'm setting that section up is that I can allow characters to be dismembered when killed, making fighting very satisfying.  hordes of zombies + exploding fireball = zombie confetti!  I have a general Idea on how to do that, but I need to get my main loop complete and level loading and all that other stuff out of the way... *sigh*. taking a little break after committing, H:Reach firefight arcade? sounds like a stress reliever to me! (I'll be working plenty later on, but I spent all afternoon doing this)