Before the coding starts
There are some things I need to do before next weekend:- Prepare a code skeleton/base ( mainly, I want to support setuptools): DONE
- Read (again) some pygame stuff: DONE
- Think about the game type I want to implement and how can I make it fit into the different possible themes (I've never played Fallout, I hope that's OK and I don't misunderstand any of the themes!): DONE
- Read some literature related to the game type I want to implement (mechanics, programming techniques, etc): DONE
I'd like to give py2exe a go, because I don't know how accessible will be the source code in Windows (I'm a Linux user and the only Windows box that I have at hand is an old laptop with Vista - not in use).
I think I have enough documentation about pygame and game mechanics to have a good start. My main concern is that my (limited) experience is with C and SDL, and there are some cool features in pygame that need a mind shift before I start using them (such as the Sprites class).
Besides that, I think I'll be able to adapt my plan to the theme, because it's quite open (still... Mutation! is my favourite!).
Finally I'm going to look for some free clip art and graphics. I left that out of the list, and after reading 3 or 4 tutorials with nice graphics, I'm now convinced that it was a bad idea ;)
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Anyway, everything would be easier if Mutation! wins. Go Mutation! Go!
I can spend about 40 hours coding next week (being optimistic, I'm not always productive after a workday), so I'm looking for any post, how to, tutorial, etc that can help me to have things as clear as possible in my head before starting writing a single line of code. I don't want to get stuck in some basic aspect of game mechanics (how to do scroll, hit detection, etc).
Besides that you need to know the specifics of the kind of game you want to implement. For example: if you want to write a 2.5D engine such Wolf3D, you better know all the raycasting theory!
I'm must confess I'm liking this preparation week. I'm having lots of ideas and I'm reading interesting stuff otherwise I wouldn't have read (you know when you start writing code too early, happens to me every time!).
Anyway, I see PyWeek as a good opportunity to learn new things and bootstrap a game project. I know the result will be more or less crappy (I suck at graphics, and creativity can be a time-waster), but may be I'll get to a point where it's worth to keep working after the contest. Who knows? ;)
I'm curious what you are aiming towards. For example, are you planning to write a 2.5d engine such as wolf3d :) You mentioned it, hehe. Software rendering is so cool.
I agree, reading and researching are invaluable tools, all too often if I try something on my own I will miss the easy solution to a problem and cobble together the most confusing and error-prone one.
Hell, it's never been a requirement to understand the theme :-)