Entry skeleton "skellington" simplified (version 1.9)
Last comp I switched to a newer, more complex, user-supplied skellington. I recall some people had issues with it. Please let me know what those were and I'll try to update it before the next comp.The more complex entry skellington from last comp (2.3) caused enough headaches that I've rolled back to the much simpler 1.9 version. This is the one now linked from the rules and help pages.
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IMO, the essential things the skellington needs to provide are:
- an upload script
- run_game.py so every (source) entry can be run the same way
Someone trying to run someone else's game for the first time has the following options:
- configure/make
- setup.py
- main.py
- run_game.py
Ideally what I'd prefer is a simple configure.py script with an interactive cli that walked you through setting up your team name, entry name, license etc. and then let you choose which bells and whistles you want it to add for you. If there is extra stuff that will be included in the entry it should be named appropriately so users know what it's for.
1. Teams not using it (due to it being seen as intrusive and buggy)
2. Bugs being introduced into it
I don't know if it will be useful to anyone else but figured I should probably let you all know so I'm not breaking any rules by reusing it :)
I'm also thinking of creating a version specifically for pygame with some basic architecture & event handling already in place (something like this http://ezide.com/games/writing-games.html). Would this be allowed if I publish it here?
I put my starting point for last year up at github I don't know if it will be useful to anyone else but figured I should probably let you all know so I'm not breaking any rules by reusing it :)
I'm also thinking of creating a version specifically for pygame with some basic architecture & event handling already in place (something like this http://ezide.com/games/writing-games.html). Would this be allowed if I publish it here?
Adrwen, I agree, I think we should we be conservative in what we add to the official version, and avoid making changes to it close to the challenge date. Although we could always have a "beta" version as well :)
People could then post recipes for turning a skellington game into an exe or android app or whatever...
What were the issues with the old one?
Richard, I wouldn't want to abandon the new stuff completely. Maybe you could use the simpler one as the recommended option but still link to the other version?
I'd certainly appreciate more documentation on building executables and common problems though - I don't think I've ever managed to get py2exe working successfully. I'm sure there's enough information out there, but collecting it together (or recommending an existing resource) would be quite helpful.
My advice to anyone wanting to build executables is to decide in advance what modules you will need and spend some time before the challenge writing your own setup script that will support them.
http://pygame.org/wiki/Pygame2exe may be helpful if you are using pygame.
For those interested, my skellington has two branches.
The main branch is a very simple skellington:
- run_game.py to run the game
- basic organisation of source and data, leaving the main directory uncluttered
- README file
- Config file which can be used for any constants, key mappings, etc
- Logging using the python logging module. Running with --debug changes the log level to debug.
- Utility functions for loading resources from the right place
git clone git@github.com:mwehtam/pyweek-skellington.git
The pygame branch is an example game I made in pygame, with the aim of working out a decent architecture I can build on in the next pyweek. It's not as useful as a starting point, but it may be of interest to people thinking of using pygame. See also: http://ezide.com/games/writing-games.html
In addition to the above, it implements:
- MVC structure based around pygame events
- Switching between multiple game screens
- Annoying music
- Ducks
git clone git@github.com:mwehtam/pyweek-skellington.git
git checkout pygame
Any comments or suggestions are welcome :)