Team name ideas, if you're having trouble of thinking of one.

I took the liberty of generating a few team names for you to choose from if you want. I think I might have to go with one of them :-)

pantingly toyless accumulations
sorely mop-headed leftism
seducingly cultish creakiness
transmutably long-haired stereoscopists
revengefully zincographic radiators
inconveniently unmanageable buxomness
chemically olivaceous exoplasm
maladroitly far-seeing extensometer
overbearingly unsubmissive inflictor
perceptibly sideways destruction
professionally steamy visage
iconically laddery fosterings
indigestibly fortuneless brainwave
tortuously centripetal guesswork
unrelentingly inadvertent seduction

unfortunately my dictionaries have too many big words... otherwise <adverb> <adjective> <noun> would produce some fun results!

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unrelentingly centripetal seduction

If only I was entering this time ;-)

(I need a break from stuff post-PyCon AU)
aww c'mon richard! you didn't finish last competition's entry either :-(
Hey, I gave that a Good British Go! I just over-reached :-)