Cocos2D Framework
Was wondering how many users employed the Cocos2D framework for building their pyweek game or previous games and what their thoughts were on it. I had heard mention of it before, but never really came into contact with it until recently. Scene management seems nice (quite similar to what I've done in the past plus a few bells and whistles.) The CocosNode objects seem at a superficial level to be a nice design.With all that said, my experience with it has been approximately...1-2 hours? So I haven't mucked around with it enough to place fair judgement... good or bad.
What is your favorite thing about it? Least favorite? Pros and Cons?
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On the downside it can sometimes be difficult to figure out how to correctly extend it from an API user's perspective. It would be nice if it had a clearer API for things like setup and tear down of a scenes and layers, and for handling custom drawing. Also the way some things like text and sprites are implemented mean that there can be several levels of indirection to access information, set properties or just figure out how something works.
Another question came to mind while I was exploring the website. For starters, the Programming Guide wasn't much help other than giving a brief overview of the framework. The API reference has been a good source of information, and I refer to it quite frequently. Are there any other sites that are centered around the Python version of the framework? Any example or article Google turns up is related to the iPhone version, which I'm hardly interested in until I decide to invest in an up to date Mac (I have an old iMacG4 =/ )
Between the API docs and sample code I'm sure I'll get used to it, was just curious to know if there were any other sources of information besides those.
Thanks again!
These shortcomings are easily overlooked with the easy to use scene management and scene graph code though. And the scrolling manager code you contributed is super awesome, I'm using it for a top-down space exploration/shooter game I'm making. :)