I just hope...

... that the little sign with the remaining time is accurate, and not according to my PC clock.

If I deliver my game one hour late, boy I'm going to be mad :D

Almos there, all the source has been properly relocated (knock on wood) to the skellington directory. Now, a few bugfixes, a little detail here and there, and I should be done.

Good luck, everyone!

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Hello, if i can allow myself.

dont rely on the cpu clock ;)

for pygame, there's pygame.time.tick() => control the frame rate whatever is your cpu power, and pygame.time.get_ticks wich will give you the elapsed time (in time, not in cpu cycles or fps ^^)
Hi, cyqui! Thanks for the data. Luckily, I am actually using time.tick() - I made that same mistake many times in the past, so eventually I learned :D

What I'm worried about is the fact that my clock may be out of time, and if "1 hour 29 minutes" turns out to be "29 minutes", well, that's bad :P

Good luck! And now, back to playtesting :P
o lol ok, i misunderstood i'm too tired.
Going to sleep, gonna check your game tommorrow, and i hope instead of readding this comment you are finishing the game :p
GL and GN :)