Team zahmeKatzen presents: Nanji the Ninja
And the file is uploaded along with our obligatory Title Screen Screenshot.Some notes on the game itself (tips, hints & known bugs):
- You have 9 hearts and 9 lifes. If you lose all 9 hearts or fall down a pit you lose one life. If you complete a level your hearts are filled up again, even if you finished the level with only one heart left.
- It is possible to beat all levels (Serval - who did not create the levels - verified this). I don't have to mention this as most of the levels are quite easy and straightforward, but there are two or three levels that have a bit harder passages in it. Most notably the Mizu-Level which is quite Jump-precision-heavy. If you have problems here try to more fine-tune your jumps (the longer you press space, the higher you jump. Pressing space for a short time will produce jumps that are lower but sometimes also easier to control).
- We do have to apologize as it seems that in at least two levels the flow is not that obvious (i.e. you are standing on a high platform and are not seeing were to go now). In both cases a leap of faith to the right will ensure you will have solid ground under your paws again AND are on the right track. We will fix this in the Pyggy version (either by adjusting the camera to actually scroll down when you duck, or by adding some level tiles to point you in the right direction).
- In some cases you can land on the right hand side of the dojo and are subsequently not entering the building. Just go to the left side of the dojo and the automatic script for level completion will take over from you soon enough [The script is not broken, it is just that the "script-activation"-overlay does not cover the right side of the Dojo].
- If you jump on two or more enemy Ninjats crowded together it happens from time to time that you do take damage from it, while simoultaneously taking out all of the enemy Ninjats. As you have 9 hearts at your disposal and as these hearts are refilled if you go from one level to another this should not be a big problem and is just a minor annoyance ("Why am I taking damage? I killed ALL of those Ninjats and I'm still taking damage?!?").
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Good work.