Switching scenes with pyglet

i was wondering if i could get some advice and tips from those of you that use pyglet to how you manage scene switching as in menu > game > menu > help ect

I havent used pyglet that much before and am a bit stuck

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I am working on that exact problem right now. You want to hop on IRC and discuss?
I don't have any IRC clients sorry, msn? hughpowell2004&hotmail.com.au put in an @ where the & is
not sure if we will get to discuss it cause i need to sleep now, and i have school and a party tomorrow

either way i have just started a question on stack overflow
There's a pretty good example of this in a pong game, I think by Tristram MacDonald. 


It uses a basic state stack that works well. 
Thanks for the example but have ended up going with a class that passes out the window events see the stack overflow question from above