Day 5: Shooting and Plot Clarification

Today I worked on some of the missing actions: the player may now shoot back when it's called for. It's a bit fiddly, and I'm not sure it's player-friendly. We'll see.

I also got some help to sort out some of the niggling bits of the plot.

And then I watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure instead of PyWeek'ing tonight :-)

At this point I'm hoping to complete one or two branches of the plot at a minimum, and all of it if I'm lucky.

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Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K. Love that movie :)

OK so what I want to know is, how many red bits am I going to be able to hit?
I'm hoping for at least one line of red bits from top to bottom. Two lines would be much better. Four, awesome, but unlikely given the amount of time I'm likely to have.