When fox and fate collide
hodgestar on 2011/04/04 22:39
of skaapsteker
— edited on 2011/04/05 09:45
Despite seriously considering changing the team name to Maandagsteker, decidedly non-zero progress was made today including:
- Detailed outline for the first half of the story
- Arrival of the player fox complete with controls and animations
- Far too much bouncing
- Shiny new collision detection (now more flexible and with completely different bugs to the previous implementation! Includes ramming, Mr Sulu!)
- Script for generating tile images from textures
- New images including an oni, a monk and attacking kitsune!
- Ninja scrolling level window
- A FPS display (useful for making sure we're not introducing performance issues)
- Start of global game and story state tracking.
- Embellished tiles (late addition, not shown in screenshot -- you'll have to wait for tomorrow's pillow book entry)
Courtesy of the now-fixed screenshot uploading, here is your daily snapshot: