Starting out!

So, `Nine Times' it is.

I was quite surprised Sausage King scored so high. It was the only theme I had no idea whatsoever of what to do, that wouldn't look downright obvious or silly. But oh, well.

My idea for the game is a Lego-like logic puzzle, where you must arrange different blocks to get through each level.

Each level is a 3d matrix in a 2d plane, with obstacles and a start/goal mark. The objective of the game is to transport your little character from the start mark to the goal mark. For such, you can combine Lego-like blocks in different ways to make weird kind of vehicles.

Blocks may be placed anywhere adjacent the character, or below the character itself, which basically gives you a Noughts and Crosses board. The way you win in Tic-Tac-Toe is also the way blocks are combined.

A block may be a Sensor, which measures an arbitrary condition of the nearest wall block, like distance, heat, energy. A Function, which takes the value of this sensor and maps it to another value. Or an Action, which takes the value of the row/diagonal/column and do something with it, like moving around, pushing blocks, etc.

Oh, well, that's basically what I have for now. I still need to figure out quite some stuff.

Now, to figure out how to fix this silly hg-git problem which is getting on my way. Seems like merging two different repositories by using `hg pull -f x && hg merge -rotherheadtip' is not a good idea when you're using hg-git...