A couple of recent design thinking articles

Two articles that have come across my radar in the last few days that people might like to browse for a little warm-up mind setting.

Firstly, from the #AltDevBlogADay blog, which is a one or two posts a day blog from various professional game developers. One of yesterday's articles was on little things to spice up a game for the players: http://altdevblogaday.org/2011/03/28/design-cheat-codes/

Secondly, an article from late last year on Gamasutra (how I long for the days when they had more meaty articles and less industry announcement fluff). A journalist who spent some time inside the Australian section of the 48 hour Global Game Jam wrote a piece on his experience. I'd bookmarked this a while back and reread it today and the thing that jumped out was the importance on keeping the design manageable and implementable.