new engine: Gloopy

Heads up. I may use my engine 'Gloopy' in the forthcoming PyWeek, and of course you are welcome to it.

It has quite a narrow remit, in that I'm interested in seeing how many independently positioned and oriented low-poly OpenGL meshes I can have onscreen, from Python, at 60fps. Currently on my shoddy old laptop, it's about 600 if they are all moving under the influence of a 'newtonian' (without collisions) update function.

Gloopy handles the render loop for these objects. It also supplies a 'Shape' class, that is convenient for creating and manipulating polyhedra (3D flat-sided shapes.) to make interesting geometry, and then converting them into VBOs that OpenGL can eat.

It almost certainly isn't yet an eligible 'library' under PyWeek's guidelines. In particular:

It's currently hardly documented at all. Obviously I'll fix that before the 1 month deadline.

It's currently only on bitbucket:

Hopefully getting it on to PyPI is a mere 'make upload' away, so that should happen soon.

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This is now documented, and on PyPI: