
So, we are doing a multiplayer TBS...

I think it might end up being too ambitious a project, simply because my schedule is nuts the next week, but we'll see...

My tentative plan for action is thus:

Today: get the gui written up and working, then start networking
Monday: finish networking at all costs (at least the basic framework)
Tuesday: get basic unit engine/mod engine built
Wednesday: get game engine in place to use units and do basic things
Thursday: write up scenario, basic ai, fit all the pieces together
Friday: Big push day! Make sure everything is working, catch up on late things
Saturday: (assuming I don't work all day) write a non-scenario mode perhaps

-sigh- feeling a little "not gonna happen" ATM - but we're gonna try! LOL

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You can do it! Might want to start with something like PodSixNet so you aren't debugging weird socket errors on day 6. I wanted to do networking in my game this time but I'm not ambitious to try it in a week, and I didn't finish my super duper library in time :)

For turn based, it is doable. But you still gotta be pretty ambitious, hehe.

Good luck!
Yeah I think we'll either use Twisted or Ian Mallet's Mastermind lib, which seems similar to PodSixNet.

But will check that out, thx!