what? 23 hours???

Time is almost gone... I only managed to have a working charcter that walks, drinks, wobble and fall (well, some bugs still needs to be worked). Less than a day lasting, I will try to complete a game but there is family meeting tomorrow, I have to help wife cook and care the kid, so I'll hardly do it.
I've changed the gameplay idea to speed things up: you'll be in a bar, full of spirits you can grab, and your objective will be to raise your alchool level as much as you can without falling on ground.
Question: I've read about a 24 hours upload period... does it means one extra day to the week or did I understood it wrong? This can made the difference between a working game and a sprite demo for me..
Anyway it was a fun week, I removed lot of rust from my coding skills, learned the basics of Phyton - and I must say I love this language now - and saw a lot of nice projects growing, I cant wait to play the games you guys developed, many looks great, fun and orignal!
But now, I must sleep. See you for the final rush!
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