We need your help! Join us!

You are thinking about leaving pyweek because you are behind? Are you bored of coding your game, and you'd like to change tasks for 5 minutes?

We might have the prefect solution for you

We're making a game with the largest pyweek team ever. The thing that makes you so large is that YOU are in it. How?

Just visit http://the.most.biggest.gamest.in.the.worldst.com.ar/ and give any contribution you want there. The help might be as small as adding an item (a name, a description, and an image that you upload), or even just adding a tag to an existing characters.

For those of you who are too lazy to click on links: That's our game content editor, which we have been doing during these pyweek days. We've tried to make it so anyone can contribute, and our idea is to get contributions of lots of people and see if our game engine (to be delivered at the end of this week) can manage to mash all that content into a coherent game.

Thanks for participating in Worldst!