it walks!

I am sick today. I skipped work and went to doctor, that gave me 3 days at home. I tought: yay! I can work on the game ;) but that wasn't true-- I spent most of the day in the bathroom :(
And to waste some more time, I put an exagerated effort in the walking animation. The results is so-so, I could have spent much less time in this - anyway, the guy is walking. Now I need to put some basic kinematic to handle the body shaken by alchool abuse, and I have no idea where to start, but I'm sure I can do it before tomorrow end, together with the keyboard controls. Worst case scenario, this will be a 1 vs 1 drunken fighting game.. I hope!
By the way, can someone tell me why pyglet framerate drops down to 4, to jump over 60 if I move the mouse fast over the window?
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