OpenGL Game Lib

A few weeks ago, I uploaded a graphics / game lib to the cheeseshop.

It does OpenGL sprite stuff. It replaces my old SiGL lib, by attempting to be more focused, simple, and easy to learn. I'd like to improve the documentation somewhat, if anyone is willing to give QGL a go during pyweek, I'd appreciate feedback on any kind of extra documentation that might be useful, or is needed to get up and running.


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Hello there, I'm Fydo! I realize this probably isn't the best place to put this request, but there isn't a general member's forum that I could find here on the pyweek website. I'm interested in joining your team as an artist if you have any space available. I've done some art for GalaxyMage and FreeCraft. Anyways, let me know. Thanks! :D
We could use another artist on our team. If you are interested please e-mail me at
Hi fydo, you could ask on the pygame mailing list. We currently have a couple of designer dudes on board, which is more than enough for a 1 week game :-) Thanks for the offer anyway.
simon: Thank you the quick response! Good luck with your pyweek project!
My apologies for taking your diary entry completely off-subject ;)

RB[0]: Yes, I'm interested, and I just sent you an e-mail. Thanks.