Testing bazaar version control system

I think it is a good and simple for me.

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bzr is nice, and well documented. It also works great in ubuntu and good in windows, my main o/s:es. Integration with Launchpad via the lp: syntax is a great feat.

The only thing I am a little bothered by is the forced SSH-protocol to push things to Launchpad. It's no problem under ubuntu, but for windows it is a bit of a hassle getting it to work.

After all, what is being pushed is _open_source_, why crypt it? It would be enough to authenticate the uploader, no need to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.
I also found pushing something to Launchpad to be probably the most confusing thing I've ever done with a project hosting site. I had to have one of the Launchpad developers walk me through the half-dozen steps (and I was already registered!) which I'm fairly certain I could not reproduce.
richard - yeah it was not obvious first time around. But once I found the +junk-trick, it's easier. Then you don't have to have all the "bells and whistles" of Launchpad connected to your project - it's only a source repository upload.

bzr push lp:~objarni/+junk/ProjectName

It's as easy as that.

Has anyone tried out mercurial+bitbucket? I have a feeling things are even more smoothe with that tool. For example, I don't think bitbucket requires SSH push'es, simplifying things on windows.
I'm going to be trying mercurial + google code for this one.