Message search?

I find browsing the message history fun, but it would be even more fun if it was possible to search for certain words. Case in point: messages containing "pygame" or "pyglet". It would be a great way of learning what other people use to develop games in Python.

Would it be hard to add that functionality richard ;) ?

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I'm not likely to add a search facility any time soon. Try Google "pyglet" or similar.
Ah of course. Thanks!

Maybe that is a way to add search to pyweek ;) ? Just a field that calls google search with + search string? Just a thought.
You can do this already: Subscribe to the pyweek message boards RSS feed in Google Reader or the like. Then you can search within a single subscribed feed right from there. Works like a charm.
tartley - ah that's cool. Is it possible to read the whole history into Google Reader also?