pyglet! wow!

I've never heard of pyglet before hearing someone mentioning it here on PyWeek messages. It seems popular and when I checked through the API reference it seems to have *a lot* of what I need.

I've used PyGame before, but miss OpenGL.

So if I get into 3D in Python, pyglet will be on my mind. Did 3D in C/C++ using SDL's GL support some years ago, but never got around to liking C++ very much.

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You may be interested in: there's a thread around here talks about using:

pyglet + squirtle + inkscape

To render SVG inkscape created maps in opengl.
thx read the discussion. being able to load & "blit" svg images would be *great* for expressiveness in games development. It just seems to be too high a technical threshold for now, if I read the APIs/libraries correctly.
I might be misunderstanding, but the discussion ninmonkey cited was about using Inkscape as a level editor - so extracting geometry from the SVGs and letting game objects interact with it. If all you want to do is draw SVGs onto a GL surface, here's the example from the Squirtle docs of how simple that is:

    import squirtle


    my_svg = squirtle.SVG('filename.svg', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')
    my_svg.draw(100, 200, angle=15, scale=3)
adam; that looks easier than I thought at first. What GL api is squirtle calling into? pyglet?
"Squirtle is a scalable vector graphics implementation for pyglet and OpenGL. It provides a simple interface to load .svg files and render them."
There you go.. :)