Have you interesting pointers at your code ?

You think some parts of your code does something useful and-or recyclable ? Please make a post with pointers at what to see !

Inspired by riq's post in the cocos mailist , which I quote here:
thread The Lost Feathers ( http://groups.google.com/group/cocos-discuss/msg/9e9260532b1f579e  )

here is another game done for pyweek using cocos2d.


technical details:
It uses pybox2d.
The integration between pybox2d and cocos2d was done with the
This file is heavily based on the pybox2d testbed example. But some
modifications were made in the fwDebugDraw class, like adding pixel to
meters ratio.
If you are planning a cocos2d + box2d game, this file
(box2d_callbacks.py) is good starting point.

The game also uses SVG levels.
The .svg files contains the physics information like:
- bodies and shapes
- static or dynamic shapes
- shapes data: restitution, friction, density
- plus sprite info
so coding new levels was relatively easy.

If you are interested in the details, the gamelib/svg_box2d_parser.py
has the implementation.
[ Inspired by riq's post in the cocos mailist ...], I feel like post this:

Thank for the pointers riq !!, that sounds interesting.
For what is worth, my entry is http://www.pyweek.org/e/zap/

The only interesting part to see ATM is a stepped resource loading in the splash screen that don't totally block animation. That intended to alleviate the long black or static initial screen in some cocos - pyglet apps ( albeit it can easily adapted to pygame or anything).
The parts to look are
splash_scene.py the .update() method ( it is the master steeper part )
audio.py :
function init() : collects audio init parts to hand at the master steeper
functions _init_sfx , _init_music : preolad of resources, yielding to the steeper to allow an animation step to execute.

Theres nothing more to see there, I put on hold my first try ( a parallax sidescroller, gnome surfing on plume) at day 4, and started then pigeons: birds of a feather ( side scroller, pigeons will begin to follow grown-up/player if in the cone of vision, guide the pigeons to the stage goal)
The second project loads actor placements from svgs, but is very crude, and the version submitted is bugged ( I plan to look at riq and richard loader to improve my code)
Also, I think I spotted a weakness in cocosnode anchors - transform, will make a issue-demo and commit.
I will follow development in the piggy event: the project has game-fun potential, squirtle_mod can be upgraded in parallel, useful code bits can be generated, like some adaptable svg based actor placement loader,...

So, while disappointed to not have a really working entry( and missing PyConAR!), I feel it worth the try.
Looking to see more pointers !