Man, I needed a break.
My plan to finish the game off yesterday hit the buffers when I woke up at 9am with the intention of going for a 10 mile walk, and didn't even have the energy to phone/send a text saying I wasn't going. The wife described me as "being like a zombie, but with much less energy". Last week was lots of fun, and for a while I was reliving my youth, up all night coding demos and games on the C64/Amiga. It's a lot harder to do it now though, and I was starting to feel somewhat dissappointed in myself, until I realised that back then, some 18 year or more ago, I didn't have a full time job, wife, house or commitments, and my time was truly my own, which kind of made me feel somewhat better about it all. Still, it's a pity I didn't finish my game by the end of the week, and whilst it probably looks a long way off, all the pieces are pretty much in place, and the actual full game coding wise is probably only around 8 hours from completion. I still need to develop the graphics side of things (around hlf of the in-game artwork is currently ripped from "Super Locomotive") and the music, but it shouldn't be more than about a day's work. Probably get things underway again this evening.(log in to comment)