Day 2: moar platformey
richard on 2009/08/31 11:29
of Easy
All up a pretty good day today. I didn't work 100% on the game, but what time I did spend on it was fun. I also spent a while working on the art - why I chose to do a game with such a high art content I will never fathom.
- designed main character, drawing on Kiki of Kiki's Delivery Service (Abbey loves Kiki - we all do ;)
- did more work on level 1, fixing colors, adding more stuff
- first feather pickup item using particle engine
- score & timer; score flashes when score is added
- made level 1 sky a gradient; fixed hacks in squirtle to handle gradients again
- constrain player to the game bounds
- much tweaking of the player physics model
- baddies spawning, roving around following paths
- health; baddies hurt
- baddies are killable
On a down side I spent a lot of time trying to get something nice out of lepton. I have managed to get a couple of nice effects, but they're not quite right. The lack of documentation is really hurting there. For example I cannot get my effects to use the sprite textures I want them to.