TypeError: 'int' object is unscriptable

Doubtless I am being dumb, but I'm trying out and I get the following:
$ python -u tartley -p xxx -d test -c -e shortname
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 198, in 
    http_request(data, host, port, url)
  File "", line 129, in http_request
    data = mimeEncode(data)
  File "", line 37, in mimeEncode
    if value and value[-1] == '\r':
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable
'value' is an integer

Looking into the source, value is populated by this line:

    for key, value in data.items()
and 'data' is initialised using this:
    data = dict(version=2)
It is this int '2' value which is causing the problem.

Am I doing it wrong, or does not work right now? What is this 'version' value? Should I just change it to string '2' instead?

Thanks for any advice,


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I haven't tried, and it is not really necessary. I just used to create the source archive and uploaded it manually — you have to upload the Windows and OS X binaries manually anyway (that is if you are a meticulous packager like me!).
Alright, thanks for the info cyhawk.
Thanks for the bug report! It should work and is useful for people uploading huge entries as it gives feedback (unlike web browsers --- WHY web browsers don't give upload feedback is beyond me)