Final Thoughts

NOTE: What we uploaded is obviously horribly incomplete. Don't bother rating, but you can have a look.

We ran out of time due to unforeseen computer problems that took the first weekend to fix. It was one of those learned-the-hard-way lessons, in this case "always back up your data before trying anything like resizing hard drive partitions" (don't ask...).

When I finally actually did get down to work, I spent Monday to Wednesday creating our GUI. In hindsight the game ideas should have received more time, but of course at the time I mistakenly assumed the engine was the most time-consuming part. It seems stupid to have thought that now (because as you can see, our engine is actually really simple), but for me, building any engine always seems to be some sort of learning process. Learning is good, but under time constraints, you'd obviously prefer to have learned everything BEFOREHAND. In this case, my "learning" was an improvement of a GUI engine and YAML, a really interesting and nice little "non-markup-language".

If anyone is wondering what our ideas actually were, I happened to be studying the Cold War (which is pretty interesting by the way) and Tatlin's Tower, upon researching it, brought that to mind. I was already having ideas for building a game like the one we have here, so Pyweek seemed like a good time for giving it a shot. It's basically a "receive info, decide what to do, repeat" game, but if we could have finished any decent amount of story, it'd actually probably have been interesting. Well, maybe. "Anything" is guaranteed to be interesting if you look at it closely enough...

Well, time to get back to normal life, right? I'm a busy guy; I've got things to do, places to go, people to meet...