Day 6 Progress (Cat vs Mice)
Well, since the last update I managed to get collision detection working and implemented a waypoint system for the mice to find their way to the garden shed. Now I'm getting ready for the final push to get this game in a playable state before the deadline. I think I'll be pulling an all-nighter to get it done. Here is what's left on my list to accomplish:- Implement cat detection & avoidance for the mice. It'll be something simple like: if cat is near then go the opposite direction until cat is out of range, then proceed to the next waypoint.
- Finish up some of the graphics. I still need to put roofs on the houses and flowers in the flower boxes. If I have some time to spare I may work on some finishing touches for other game objects.
- Implement the main menu, game difficulty selection screen, instruction screen(s), level completed screen, game over screen...
- Create the final levels for the game. I've been working with a test level for most of the week. Once the game is playable, it shouldn't take too long for me to make a few levels.
- Final documentation (readme file) and game packaging.
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