Day 3 and first problems
I just don't know what's happening. If I draw a 800x600 background image and the grass blades, the FPS counter goes down to 15. It's just that combination. If I just draw the grass or I just draw the background, I get more than 30fps.All that while the player and more than 50 bugs move around. But it has nothing to do with them!
Player+bugs+background -> 30fps.
Player+bugs+grass -> 30fps
Player+bugs+background+grass -> 15fps 8(
I've fighting all day against that. There's something in pyglet batches and OpenGL that I just don't get. GRRRR!
Nothing much was accomplished today :(
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PS: Also make sure you set window.invalid = False in on_draw() and True in update()!
Is there a way to turn on -O from the code? Or some way to force the user to use it? I should probably change to start with
But that does not solve it on Windows.
I'll investigate this further after PyWeek, but I've got so much to do now :).